Potato Chip

I inevitably live in a constant state of chaos. Now, i’m not saying it's a bad place to be, i’m just saying it’s fucking nuts up there. Common questions included: Where do I start? How do I start? What am I starting? What day is it?

I commonly wonder if I am alone, living in such a unique, non-linear headspace. I assume most people struggle with this to some degree, but how much struggle is normal? Are we all just pieces of ornate trash drifting through the wind? Maybe. I got a dog when I was in college, that helped. Being responsible for something other than myself gave me a sense of purpose, it helped me grow up in ways I had no intention of. The dog's name is Griswold, god he’s a good boy. No not like Clark Griswold that guys a dork, my Griswold is a rainbow sparkle sunshine price, he's legit.

It’s hard, this professional stuff. How much of yourself are you willing to give up just to fit the status quo? How authentic can you truly act in your work setting? This is something I’ve struggled with for quite some time. From being a mute at my first “real job”, to offending half the company with my off the wall sense of humor & unfiltered jokes. Everything can be funny if you learn to laugh, I suppose some people just take things too seriously. On the other hand, who am I to judge what is normal? So, finally there came a point when I decided enough pretending, enough filtering, enough diluting, enough business casual, enough. The only option for me was to be as true to myself as humanly possible, even if it means continuously having $3 in my bank account.

Our generation is quite special I suppose, most people seem to resonate with this unconventional approach to life. Couch hopping, small businesses, bargain shopping, rescue dogs, potato chips, etc. So, cheers to the weird & senseless, cheers to you & your dog, and remember… don’t trip potato chip, everything will sort itself out. It always does.